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Turn all your tops into breastfeeding-friendly clothing!

Shirtup holds your top for you while breastfeeding and ensures that you have your hands free for everything else!


Typically, moms breastfeed or pump every 2 to 3 hours, and each session lasts around 20 to 30 minutes or more. That's a lot of time per day! This is why feeling comfortable is very important.

Therefore, wearing the correct and comfortable clothing is a crucial factor for successful breastfeeding.


Uncomfortable or unsuitable breastfeeding clothing does not make breastfeeding easier. Snaps that are difficult to operate with one hand - scratchy seams or too many overlapping layers of fabric - poorly tailored openings that don't fit all breast sizes and don't allow easy access: these are just a few of the problems moms face when wearing breastfeeding clothing.
On the other hand, good quality and fairly produced nursing clothes can be very expensive. Besides, it is not very sustainable to renew an entire wardrobe with breastfeeding clothes. All of these factors mean that many mothers decide against the investment.


Therefore, many mothers continue to use their normal clothes for breastfeeding or pumping. But unfortunately, normal clothing is not really suitable for breastfeeding, and when the top is pulled over the breast, the top tends to fall back over the baby's face. In response, mothers use their hands or chin, or roll the excess fabric to the side and hold it under the armpit, others pull it completely off on one side - just to name a few of the options, which are very uncomfortable.


The strain of carrying the baby's weight for a long period of time and the constant tension on the muscles often leads to severe muscle pain for the mother.


ShirtUP® solves this problem by fixing the top over the breast, preventing the fabric from falling over the baby's face. 
Another important advantage is that it gives the mother a better view of the baby's mouth and allows her to check if the baby is latching on correctly.


Shirt up mama! Relax and enjoy the beautiful moment with your baby

ShirtUP was specially developed for the needs of breastfeeding mothers

Easy to use - Magnetic closure that can be opened and closed with one hand with little effort.


Always at hand- Simply wear it as a chic accessory and you always have ShirtUP at hand.


Nursing reminder- Attach left or right as a reminder of which breast is next.


Adaptable- Flexible band that adjusts to the fabric thickness of summer or winter tops.

Easy to clean - Water-repellent surface for quick and easy cleaning, e.g. of milk stains or baby spit.


Multifunctional- Versatile magnetic clip for attaching a nursing cover or a cloth to the stroller, or whatever you want to clip...


Woman identityShirtUP allows you to wear your pre-pregnancy clothes and feel like yourself again!

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